Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ahhh... Life is always getting crazy

The good news is, my new job is awesome. The bad news is it's taking up a lot of my life right now!

Anyway, just wanted to get a few K things down.

She is THREE!! Amazing. How did that happen??

We are still struggling with the potty thing, she just doesn't want to do it, and we aren't pushing it. I figure that when all of her friends are moving up a class at school and she can't because she isn't PT'd she will give in and do it.
Funny story, last night she was sitting on the potty and told me that she didn't want to poop because "the poop was happy playing in her butt" I nearly died.

We still have some "baby words", which thrills me:

Sliber = Licorice
Sank you = Thank you
Chorks = Shorts

She is doing great in school (even though she doesn't want to go every day...once we get there she is good!) She is starting to sound out words too! Amazing. She knows the sounds that most letters make and is starting to put them together. I have to admit though, she is a fairly lazy kid. She has no desire to do most things herself and is perfectly happy to have people do things for her. It's great when I want her to wear something, she doesn't question it...but I worry a bit about her lack of motivation and I am not sure what to do about that. She is super smart, just not motivated.

Anyway, other news is that we are planning our vacation in May: I am going to Vegas for 4 days, then coming home and we are leaving for Puerto Vallarta for 6 days, then we will got to Orange County (And Disneyland) for 5 days. It sounds pretty cool!

1 comment:

Katie Alender said...

I'm glad you dig your new job!

My niece was like K... not interested in the potty. Until one day she was like, "I'm going to use the potty now," and did, and then walked around singing, "I'm potty trained!" There doesn't seem to be any point in putting too much pressure on them.