Sunday, January 6, 2008


We had a pretty good holiday season. It was filled with some drama of course (aren't they always?) Mike's parent's came up and K immediately got croup. Ugh. When we saw them last (in July) she had croup then as well. What, so they travel with it? Anyway, she was sick, Mike's dad is not doing well at all, he had no idea who any of us were at all. In fact, after they left here they went to Gary's and Sil got pnumonia and it was a wake-up call for Bea, She really recognized that she was in over her head trying to care for him at home and when they returned to California she ended up putting him in a home. I can't imagine how horribly hard that must have been...but it was the right decision.

Anyway, Christmas was good. Mike's parents left 2 days we were relaxed and had fun. We had 2 other couples and their 4 kids over for Christmas dinner (prime rib, which if I do say so myself was AWESOME!) K got a kitchen from Santa that she just loves and it was all around great!

Kathy came up the day after and proceeded to make me crazy...but that is par for the course!

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