Friday, September 28, 2007

Weekend with my baby

So, Mike is on his way to spend the weekend drunk with his brother in Oregon. They are going to the Cal game down there. I told him I am not bailing him out if he gets arrested.
That leaves me to have a weekend alone with K. Tonight we are going to Costco then out to dinner....just the two of us. Tomorrow we are going with friends to Baby Loves Disco and Sunday we are spending the afternoon shopping. Wee! Add in some trips to the park hopefully and it all adds up to a fun weekend with my baby. Tonight we are going to have a slumber party in mommy's bed too (don't tell K that part of the reason for that is that I hate to sleep alone... HATE IT!)

Funny of the day:

While having a video chat with my mother K decided she was done and said "bye grandma" and said to me "Mommy, turn grandma OFF now!"

Hmmmm....I wish sometimes I could turn my mother off!


Katie Alender said...

Chelsea!! I can take you out of my "rare" RSS feeds folder now!

justkc said...

I hope you guys are having an excellent girls weekend! So where are your digi pages?

Chelsea said...

Ummm... I have none. At.all. I am furiously working on Mike's Christmas stocking... and that is what I spend my "down time" doing. Once that is done, I may get into it again.