Sunday, February 4, 2007

House Hunting

I know, are we insane? Yeah... I guess we are. We are pretty seriously planning on selling our house this summer and moving. We are looking at a couple houses right now that would be built in the fall... so good timing. We have it narrowed to two at the moment:

This one:
We love the layout of this house, it's just perfect. The downside is the location. We would have to move K from where she goes to school now and we didn't really want to do that. And we would be moving out of our school district... the school district that we would be moving into on a district level isn't that great, but the school in the community is awesome, and there are plans to build a Jr and Sr. High school there within 10 years that would I am sure be just as good. It's a huge master planned community which I personally like (I know a lot of people don't) with tons of trails, activities, etc. Comute would be about the same. So ups and downs...

This one:
Great loaction, Pretty much everything we want in a house... about 90k more than the other one. Ugh.

So, that's where we are right now. We are pretty set on getting a new house that we build... so that definitely limits our choices.


Geri said...

Wow, that is a tough decision! I like both floor plans. (Though personally, I like the 1st one a slight bit better because the guest room in the first floor LOL!) Both look like great options though...Sorry I can't be much help! LOL

justkc said...

Amazing houses! It will be fun to watch you build!

Chris Wasielewski said...

Oooh, how fun. One day I WILL buy a new built home. How fun to pick everything. Can't wait to see what you choose. I actually lean more towards #1's floorplan, and you can sink that extra 90K that you save into some AWESOME landscaping! ;)


Bethany said...
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Bethany said...

Beautiful houses. How exciting! I love living in our master planned community. I can't say enough great things about it. Good luck making such a tough decision.