Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So, my husband has taught Kaelyn about backrubs and back-scratches. And it is hysterical. She now walks over to us, lays down and demands "RUB!" then when she gets her fill of that..."CRATCH!!" then back to "RUB!" and so on...until she is done with us and walks away. Ah, to be two and have you own personal servants rubbing your back on demand! It is fall-down funny though, so it's all worth it!


justkc said...

She is like a verbal dog! Wait, that doesn't sound right. I don't think K is really ANYTHING like a dog... well except the whole demanding to be scratched thing. Bah, it is hilarious either way!

Geri said...

She sounds me to Mark! LOL...

Too cute!

(Hey add me to blog list! :))

Susan said...

awhh, that's just too sweet!

Melissa said...

OMG...that is absolutely ADORABLE!